4/14 2008


飼育スタッフがかわいい缶バッチをしていたので気になり声をかけると「2008カエル年イヤー・オブ・ザ・フロッグなんだよ」と言われました。カエル年???今年はネズミ年だったはずだけどな??? ヒグマたけではなく、どうやらカエルをはじめ、両生類も急速に減少しているそうです。両生類全種の中で3分の1から2分の1が絶滅の危惧に瀕しているそうです。そこで両生類の保護キャンペーン「2008年イヤー・オブ・ザ・フロッグ(2008 The Year of the Frog)」の缶バッチなんだそうです。 サホロという豊かな自然に身を置いていると「カエルがいるのは当たり前」になっていますが、そのうち「昔はカエルの大合唱が聞こえたのにねぇ~」と昔話になってしまうのでしょうか。 前に「春の気配」でお知らせした通り、今はまだたくさんのカエルの卵が見られるサホロです。春の気配でカエルのお話が何十年、何百年と続けていけるには小さな事でもコツコツと積み重ねていきたいと考えます。 企画/T

Bear Mountain News
4/12 2008


写真はヒロキ。泥あそびをして体が泥んこになってしまいました。 日差しがとってもきもちよさそうですね。今クマたちはサブパドックというところで体慣らしをしているのですが年長組はひなたぼっこが好きなようで、いつも思い思いの場所を陣取って休んでいます。

Bear Mountain News
4/11 2008


園内での作業のあいまに、道のわきにある水たまりをみると・・・ エゾアカガエルがプカプカ! よくみると水溜りの底につもった落葉のすきまにも、もう一匹いました! 春の大合唱が待ち遠しいですね。 ベアマウンテンもいろいろなところに春の気配を感じられるようになりました。 【飼育スタッフ:伊藤】

Bear Mountain News
4/9 2008


本日はクマに麻酔をかける作業が行なわれました。クマの健康管理に重要な検査をしたりデータをとったりするのですがクマへ負担をかけないように獣医と飼育スタッフが段取り良く作業を進めなければいけません。体測(大きさを測る)や採血、体温測定、体重測定、口内チェックなど行ないました。 麻酔をかけたときは、普段触れることのできないクマに直接触ることができる貴重な場でもあります。冬ごもりで秋に蓄えた脂肪がどの程度落ちているのか、体に傷や病気はないか。見るだけではわからないことを麻酔の時にさわって確認する必要があるんです。 それともうひとつ。お客様にもクマの能力や大きさなど身近に感じて頂けるように、展示物用の作業も行ないます。足型を取ったり少しだけ毛をしっけいしたり作業風景を写真に撮ったり。 今回の写真はクマの前足とスタッフの手の大きさを比べているところと足型をとっているところです。 今まで試行錯誤を重ねいろいろな方法で足型とりを試してきましたが今回は墨汁を使って足型をうつしとりました。今までで一番きれいにとれたかも!クマの足の指って実は小指のほうが大きいんですよ!(写真は人間もクマも右手です)それにしてもクマの爪って立派ですね・・・! 【飼育スタッフ:伊藤】

Bear Mountain News
4/7 2008


4月に入り暖かい日が多くなってきましたね。 クマたちも冬ごもりから目覚め、えさを食べて体の調子を ゆっくりととのえているところです。 ベアマウンテンの園内も雪融け水の小川がチョロチョロと 流れ、フキノトウもちらほら。 一方、私たちスタッフはオープンに向けての準備で大忙しです。 作業をしていたある日のこと、ベアポイント外側の柱にクマの背こすりの痕を発見! 広大な敷地をもつベアマウンテンではクマの位置を電波で検知する ためのタグを首に装着しているのですが、どうやら立ち上がって背中を柱に こすりつけたときに小さな傷がついたんですね。 男性スタッフの身長よりはるかに大きい・・・クマの大きさにあらためてビックリ! 園内には木や柱にたくさんのマーキングの痕跡、爪痕があります。 みなさんも是非、目を凝らして見つけてみてくださいね! 【飼育スタッフ:伊藤】

Bear Mountain News
4/7 2008

Homepage has been renewed.

今年で3年目を迎えるベア・マウンテン。より一層ヒグマの魅力を伝えるべく、ホームページをリニューアルいたしました。 ベア・マウンテンの楽しみ方から、スタッフからの便りなどより見やすく!より分かりやすく!をモットーにベア・マウンテンを気にかけていただけるようなサイトにしていきたいと思っております。 トップページのFlash下、写真が5枚並んでいるのはお分かりですか?これはベア・マウンテン便りの最新5件の写真が配列されるようになっています。これでベア・マウンテン便りが更新されているのか?されていないか?が一目瞭然となっています。 これまで忙しいとどーしても更新が遅れてしまっていたベア・マウンテン便りをこのように明確にし、スタッフもプレッシャーを感じながらもバンバン更新していく意気込みでございます。ご来場前のチェックに、ご来場後の様子などにご活用いただけると嬉しいです。 今シーズンのオープンまであと20日。ヒグマともども、皆様のお越しをお待ち申し上げております<(_ _)>

the latest news
3/25 2008

Experience the powerful brown bear and Hokkaido! !!

Brown animals are the largest land animals living in Japan and are wild animals that live only in Hokkaido. I would like you to see and experience the brown man who stands at the top of hokkaido's ecosystem as close to the wild as possible in the rich natural environment of Hokkaido. Sahoro Resort (Bear Mountain) was born from such a thought. You can safely see up close how you live in a forest that you would not normally see, completely different from a zoo or a traditional bear farm. It can be said that it is a facility realized only because it is a Sahoro resort where wild brown animals live in the backyard.

Bear Mountain News
3/24 2008

Brown bears are endangered

The daisetsuzan and The Nakayama system, including Mt. Sahoro, are also inhabited areas of yezo browns, but the number is decreasing, and individuals in the Western Ishikari Area (Shakotan and Eniwa areas) are listed in the Red Data Book of the Hokkaido version, and populations in the Tenshol and Masuge regions are described as "area populations (LP) that are likely to become extinct". It is also mentioned in the Washington Convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and is recognized as an internationally valuable species. Let's think together so that the ezo brown man does not become extinct in the wild.

Bear Mountain News
3/23 2008

Three articles that coexist with brown animals (in order not to be attacked)

Don't go into the mountains by yourself Make a sound to let your presence known (such as Bell Whistle Radio) Never take home garbage (a bear that learns the taste of human food will end up being a bad bear approaching a person)

Bear Mountain News
3/16 2008

Canter, 22.

He has a cheerful personality that doesn't care about details. In recent years, it seems to be pushed by a little young power, but the presence is outstanding. The top of the head is bald because it turnes up and it rubs back. Features: Solid physique, weight also heavyweight!

Bear Mountain News
3/15 2008

Kumaemon, 19.

Bear Mountain 1 handsome bear. Do you tend to be handsome? Self-centered personality. It was a proof that the fight was strong and there was no wound on the face, but the medal remained on the tip of the nose. Feature: Golden chin hair

Bear Mountain News
3/14 2008

Koji, 22.

He is a big brother who arbitrally fights and becomes a wrestling opponent of a young bear. I'll also care about Hirotake, the son of Kouta, the twin brother. There is dignity to take a break in the rock of Ikebuchi in front of bear point, and it will fall in love. Feature: Crisp and tight features compared to twin kouta. have a white pattern (vitiligo) on the shoulder

Bear Mountain News
3/13 2008

Kouta, 22.

Hirotake, his son, is a strict father for some reason. Surprise the breeding staff with the dexterity to carry the grainy snacks on the ground with sharp claws sandwiched between chopsticks and into the mouth. Koji and twins. Feature: Round face compared to twin koji. have a white pattern (vitiligo) on the shoulder

Bear Mountain News
3/11 2008

Guide to Bear Mountain Entrance

Free parking for 600 cars is at the entrance to Bear Mountain. Ticket office Purchase tickets here How about souvenirs such as original goods, bear infested attention, etc. Parking free Other toilets, nursing rooms

Bear Mountain News
3/11 2008

Hirotake, 15.

He is good at catching fish enough to catch nijimas in the pond in front of BearPoint. Because power has been put on, it is a type that catches a little by surprise from behind, and thrusts the neck into the fight on purpose. BearPoint is my favorite place, but when an unsased Santa enters the pond, he quickly escapes. Son of Kouta. Features: Black hair, vitiligo at the neck. Have round ears and are large

Bear Mountain News
3/10 2008

Bear Watching Bus Course

Take a private bus protected by iron bars to the Brown Man's Forest. Watch the forest's moving brown bears from the adventurous bear-watching bus. If you want to get closer to brownama, please take a ride! The world seen from the same perspective as brownings is full of realism! Bare watching bus hours 9:20, 9:50 10:20, 10:50 11:20, 11:50 12:20, 12:50 13:20 13:50 14:20, 14:50 15:20 *Suspension or change of schedule may be made due to group charters, etc. It takes about 1km to bear point for 20 minutes, then enter bear point and stop for 10 minutes. After that, leave the park in about 5 minutes for about 200 meters and head to the bus stop. Don't bears like the 200m from Bear Point? There are few opportunities to encounter. From Bear Point, take the trail to the exit and enjoy Bear Mountain. Of course, it is also possible to re-enter on the promenade course after you leave the park once by bus! To that effect, please ask the bus driver.

Bear Mountain News
3/9 2008

Promenade Course

As if traversing the vast grounds, a high-level promenade course (footbridge) is built, and you can observe the adorable brown man living leisurely. In addition to brown animals, you can enjoy the beautiful nature of Sahoro, such as the majestic scenery of the Daisetsuzan system towering in the distance, the chirping of small birds, the wind blowing through, and the feeling of walking while bathed in negative ions. Promenade course 370m in length, height of about 5m, slope gradient 7% From the ticket office to bear point 15-20 minutes on foot

Bear Mountain News
3/8 2008

Bare point

A glass observation facility located in the center of the site. In addition to allowing browns to act in close natural conditions, ponds and caves are set up around them to create an environment that blends with the Sahoro Forest. There is also a production where you can observe the brown man approaching in front of you. (You can approach from either the promenade course or the bear watching bus course) Pond: You can see playing with logs, chasing nijimas, and innocently enjoying playing in the water Caves: The sly cave is a resting spot for brown bears. In the hot summer, some bears are waiting in line! Room: We have materials such as baby brown cat models, full-scale winter nests, and data and videos of winter gouging. Other: Toilet

Bear Mountain News
3/7 2008

Those who come by car

Towards Hokkaido New Chitose Airport Approx. 129km (about 1 hour and 40 minutes) Sapporo City About 170km (about 2 hours and 40 minutes) Doto Expressway Tomamu IC about 27km (about 30 minutes) Tomakomai About 170km (about 3 hours) Otaru Approx. 200km (about 3 hours 15 minutes) Dohoku Direction Asahikawa Airport about 117km (about 2 hours 10 minutes) Asahikawa city about 123km (about 2 hours 15 minutes) Asahiyama City Zoo about 125km (about 2 hours 30 minutes) Farm Tomita About 70km (about 1 hour 20 minutes) Furano City About 60km (about 1 hour 5 minutes) Hokkaido Higashi Kushiro Airport about 160km (about 2 hours 55 minutes) AndKakaka Obihiro Airport about 70km (about 1 hour and 15 minutes) Doto Expressway Tokato Shimizu IC about 25km (about 30 minutes) Obihiro City about 54km (about 1 hour) Bando horse racing about 52km (about 1 hour) Ashi about 86km (about 1 hour 30 minutes) Lake Akan about 140km (about 2 hours 30 minutes) Kitamei Approx. 160km (about 2 hours and 55 minutes) ※It varies depending on traffic conditions and traffic. Please see it as a guide to the last. Route search is also OK! Map Fan Web

Bear Mountain News
3/6 2008

Inuo, 31.

When I was little, I named it Inuo because it looked like a dog. He was the same year as Singo and was a bear elder in Bear Mountain. A lightly modest character. When a strong bear comes near, it erases the sign before one is deach other and it moves with Star. They often sleep in the shade of trees near the animal house. Features: Slender body shape with black hair and smooth legs

Bear Mountain News
3/6 2008

Those who come by JR

Get off at Jr Ishi katsu line Shin-Goto Station and take a taxi from Shin-Goto Station to Bear Mountain for about 15 minutes

Bear Mountain News
3/5 2008

Singo, 31.

He is the same year as Inuo and is an elder bear of Bear Mountain. He has an optimistic personality and is a farce. But you're not to be outsed by the young ones! I'm trying to rub as much as I say active duty. Feature: Golden face. The body is light brown with curly curly hair. They have no ears

Bear Mountain News
3/5 2008

Those who come by plane

From New Chitose Airport, take the JR Chitose Line to Minami-Chitose Station (about 5 minutes) Transfer from Minami-Chitose Station to the JR Ishizu Line (towards Obihiro and Kushiro), get off at Shin-Ton station (about 1 hour and 30 minutes by express train) Take a taxi from Shin-University Station to Bear Mountain, and take a bus from Obi obihiro Airport (bus & JR) and Obi obihiro airport to Obi-Obihiro Airport (about 30 minutes) From Obihiro Station, take the JR Ishizuchi Line (towards Chitose and Sapporo) to Shin-Goto Station (about 30 minutes by limited express train) Take a taxi from Shin-Tochi Station to Bear Mountain for about 15 minutes.

Bear Mountain News
3/4 2008

Yawara, 24.

Al though he is not very noticeable, there is also a side that hates losing the fights that are sold. But an inconspicuous bear that likes to cool off in a quieter place than a fight. Feature: No ears. When I open my mouth, I look like I'm laughing.

Bear Mountain News