At about 15:00 on Tuesday, September 8, the death of the ezo brown man "Atalou (25 years old, male)" was confirmed. On the evening of September 5th, the exhibition of Atalou was canceled from the next day because the cough was severe and there was an abnormality in the breath. Because there was an abnormality in the breathing, there was a risk of respiratory arrest in the anesthesia treatment, and there was a possibility of aspiration, etc., so it was rested according to the instruction of the veterinarian. On the 6th and 7th, the cough calmed down and the breathing noise entered, but the symptoms were calm, and the standing walk was slow, but it was confirmed, and echo examination etc. were scheduled to be performed. My condition suddenly changed around 11:00 on September 8, I coughed violently and fell as it was, and then confirmed my death around 15:00. About 6 years after Atalou joined Bear Mountain from Noboribes bear ranch, it was a bear with a small but presence with a self-paced personality. Everyone has been pleased with Atalou so long, and all the keepers are grateful. There are currently 11 ezo brown bears bred at Bear Mountain. Sahoro Resort Bear Mountain