Happy m(_ _)m New Year
Thank you again for your support of Sahorobeama yes again this year!
By the way, what are the bears doing these days?
Today marks the 16th day of fasting, and about half of the bears have entered winter shelter and are sleeping in a stable state.
The sleeping breath of the lion maru measured today was as follows.
From inhale to exhale→ 12 seconds
From the start of the suck to the start of the next suck→ 31 seconds
2 breaths per minute →
In this way, the respiratory rate decreases and breathing is repeated at stable intervals.
By the way, the lion maru is easy to hear because the sound of squeezing and exhaling is loud, but for me, who is new to being in charge of winter sleeping, it still takes a long time to hear the sleeping breath, which is too quiet.
(By the way, did the bears have their first dreams?!) Thailand to ask what kind of dream it is...! )
A little more than 5 cm has already accumulated since the morning, but there seems to be a concern of heavy snow from today to tomorrow.
I removed some snow in preparation from the inside of today, but it will pile up again (><;)
I'll do my best to remove snow tomorrow!
[Breeding: Ito]