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Announcement (Business Information)

12/1 2024

Winter Stay Tour! Announcements

It's cold, isn't it!!! Sahoro will open its ski resort from tomorrow! The bears were then released into the paddock (a small paddock in front of the barn) and moved to their respective rooms for wintering. Feeding will end soon, and fasting = winter sleep will begin. Now, here is the announcement of the 2025 Winter Tour! Period Around 1/11/2025 ~ 2/28 Complete reservation system (up to 2 days in advance) Reservations start from 12/1 * The start and end of the event date and period are subject to change depending on the state and management of the bear * There is no reception on the day. Time: 10:30~, 13:30~ It's a tour of about 1 hour! Twice a day, up to 1 group each time, we will guide you in order of reservation. Number of people 1 group 2 ~ 4 people each time If you are 1 person, only 13:30 times * Please contact us if there are more than 5 people. Price 1 person: ¥4400 2 people: ¥7700 3 people: 9900 yen 4 people: ¥12100 * All prices include tax. It's cold, so please dress warmly! If you have any questions, please contact Sahoro Resort Bear Mountain. Whether you came to see the bears in the summer or not, please come and see the bears in the winter! ↓ Last year's Sleeping Bears

Announcement (Business Information) / Bear Mountain News / the latest news
7/13 2024

The event "Fish Present" will be held!

Urgent notice! (Sorry for the sudden announcement...) At Bear Point in Bear Mountain, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from July 13th ~ August 12th around 10:30, we will hold a "Fish Present for Mr./Ms." event! The subtitle is "Bear VS Fish" (?) And give them fish that the bears have never eaten! Can the bears eat properly...... Or is it slurping ......? Please take a look! Period July 13 ~ August 13, 2024 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only Location In front of Bear Point Pond Time around 10:30 * It may be canceled depending on the physical condition and condition of the animal.

Announcement (Business Information) / Bear Mountain News / the latest news