Bear Mountain can now also be seen on Google Street View.

Filming took place in July last year.

Blessed with good weather, while forest bathing in the blue sky and sparkling green of trees that are typical of Sahoro

The image of the bear being seen is conveyed.

But why is it that it looks like it's 360 degrees, as if it's there?

There are many people who think that.

At Bear Mountain, it was filmed on a motorcycle.


This panoramic camera (?) Photographing the promenade course.

The winding course of the slope was also well managed.

130613_b.jpgIf you proceed with the bear watching bus course,

I think it's a powerful street view from the bear's point of view...

That's impossible, isn't it? (^_^;)

What is Bear Mountain like?

If you are interested, please take a look at Street View

Come and meet the real bears.

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