いよいよ来週に迫った9月のイベント「ヒグマに秋鮭プレゼント」。待ちきれない方に、昨年の模様をちょこっとご紹介(* ̄(エ) ̄)o/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ >゜ )))>彡

The location is in front of Bear Point. Autumn salmon, which is also a representative of Hokkaido's autumn taste, is presented to brown bears, and how do they eat fish? It is an event where you can see the ecology.

Autumn is an important season for brown bears. For more than 100 days, you have to store subcutaneous fat for "winter sleeping," which is said to be "winter sleeping" when you don't eat anything or excrete anything. Therefore, autumn, when food is abundant, is an important season for building a body to survive the winter. In addition to salmon, we also eat mushrooms, berries, and fruits to nourish them. The brown bears of Bear Mountain also sleep in winter, so the breeding staff keeps an eye on them every day, not only to manage their physical condition, but also to change their physique (weight).

Going back to the topic, was it because of the unusual behavior of the staff? Or is it by smelling it? I don't know if it's true, but the bears who sensed "something" gathered in front of Bear Point. Then, we put the salmon in our mouths and moved to the safety of the bamboo bush. Sneak in and keep it to yourself. It is a four-frame photo. In the fourth photo, she looks happy when she is eating, but her waist is raised so that she can move at any time.



I think it's hard to see because of my poor photography skills, but did you get the image? Do you eat salmon "head" or "tail"? How long (time) can you take to calm one animal? Please take a look at the real thing.

For details such as dates and times, please see the event information.