Bear Mountain News

"Bear Mountain News" by the breeding staff.
If you have visited the venue even once, you may be wondering, "What's wrong with that brown bear?"
Therefore, we will deliver the state of brown bears living well even for those who can not come easily.
Please come and check out the brown bears even after you come to the venue!
And if you are new to Bear Mountain, you will definitely enjoy it when you come! is

5/1 2013

Nails in front of you

When I came to Sahoro, the bears were poyapoya babies. Have you gotten used to the environment? They were chasing each other, running around, rolling, and moving more intensely. I feel like it's getting bigger day by day. Well, the body is small, but these stunning nails. 5 of them come out beautifully!!!!

Bear Mountain News
4/29 2013

It's not mud, is it? Hmm? Be?

写真のサンタ。頭の上に汚れがっ!!泥んこ遊びでもしたのかな? と思ったら、違うみたいです。 水洗いしても取れません(T_T) この汚れの正体は? ベア・マウンテンへお越しいただき、スタッフにお尋ねください<(_ _)> おそらく今シーズンは取れないでしょう。。。

Bear Mountain News
4/28 2013

Gajigaji Santa

オープン2日目、なんと小雪がぱらつくほどの寒さ。 そんな中でもたくさんのお客様にご来場いただきました。 寒い中、本当にありがとうございます<(_ _)> さて、最近コグマ情報ばかりだったので、今日は大人をクローズアップ。 ベアポイントには コウジ(右お尻) モコ(左胴体) サンタ(奥の顔が見えている) が集合。 もしやケンカがはじまるのか!?と、カメラを構えていたら・・・ 何も起きずにサンタは森の奥へ。 コウジはガラス面に背中をこすりつけてマーキング。 「ベアポイントはオレの縄張りだいっ!ゴシゴシ」 あーあー(+o+) あんまりゴシゴシするとガラスが汚れて 見えにくくなるんだよな。。。と飼育スタッフの嘆きが(T_T) 奥に消えてたサンタも負けずにマーキングをしていました。 遊歩道の真下でゴシゴシしていたので、 お客様もじっくりご覧いただけたことでしょう。 でかしたぞ!サンタ。 お客様に見てもらっているからなのか? 長時間マーキングするサンタ。 サービス精神旺盛なので、動画で撮ってみました。 前肢で枝を折ってみたり、幹をがじがじかんでみたり、やりたい放題。 パワフルなサンタをお楽しみください。

Bear Mountain News
4/27 2013

Milk thyme for cogs

All the talk was about Koguma, and Sumimasen Koguma's (^_^;) lunch "Milk Time" started at 12 o'clock. First of all, weigh yourself before eating. Venerable (?) On the scales, weigh it. If you want to know how to measure it, put it in a basket and measure it. At this time, you will get out of the cage, so it is the perfect time to take a camera shot. Please take a picture of a cute little bear with your mobile phone, digital camera, or video camera ☆ After measuring, is it time for a little bear to have a chance this time? I don't know if he's saying, "I want to play in a wide place," "Hana, Hana," but I resist holding on to the door and not entering. I made such a small resistance, but I was immediately returned to the exhibition hall. And the long-awaited milk time. I was worried because I hadn't drunk milk in public since I came to Sahoro, but the two of us got along well. The staff is also relieved. So far, there has been a lot of talk about baby bears, but the adult bears are doing well. From cute baby bears to powerful brown bears at Bear Mountain. How about a GW outing? ♪

Bear Mountain News
4/27 2013

OPEN today ☆ Baby bear

It has opened safely today. The worried baby bears are also sleeping, playing, sleeping, and playing at their own pace. If the timing is right, you will be able to see them playing with each other energetically. It is a state of the 12 o'clock event "Milk Time". It was only a little, but I was relieved because he licked the milk. The real thing is cute, isn't it? Please come and see us!

Bear Mountain News
4/26 2013

Pre-opening ☆ Invitation to new first-year students of elementary school in Shintoku Town

This year, new first-year students from three schools, Shintoku Elementary School, Kuzuminan Elementary School, and Tomimura Gyu Elementary School, came to study at Bear Mountain. There are wild brown bears living in the town, so everyone has a lot of knowledge about bears. Moreover, there was a student who said, "I've seen brown bears in the wild." In order to prevent accidents with brown bears and to coexist with wild animals, everyone listens seriously to the zookeepers. At Bear Point, when they came face to face with a brown bear through the glass, they exclaimed, "Wow, it's huge!" and some students were so excited that they involuntarily stepped back. But the most popular is the "baby bear". I could only see him sleeping soundly at the wrong time, but did he feel the gaze of the children? There were times when they would wake up and play with each other. Koguma is so energetic that he worries that he is fighting because it is so powerful. Still, they're still babies, so as soon as they play, they'll fall asleep in a dream. Full of energy again this year! We had shiny first-year students experience Bear Mountain. It's finally open tomorrow.

Bear Mountain News
4/25 2013

Welcome, Koguma-chan

のぼりべつクマ牧場よりやってまいりました。 双子の女の子の赤ちゃんクマ 来たばかりで環境にも慣れていなく、唸っています。ガルゥゥゥ サホロで1回目のミルクタイム。 飼育スタッフも慎重にミルクをつくります。 水の量を測り、 ミルクを混ぜ混ぜ。 気分はお菓子作り!? お待たせしました! ミルクタイムですよー。 扉を開けてもこわがっている様子。 ミルクを飲まそうとバリケンから出してみると・・・ 「知らない場所、知らない人がいっぱい(>_<)」 ごはんより自分の身を守る方が先だっ! と言わんばかりに隅っこに隠れようと必死。 追いかけると怖がるので、まずは様子を見るようにスタッフも温かい目で見守ります。 しかし一向にミルクを飲まないので・・・ 園長に連れ戻されました。 サホロ初日のコグマちゃんたち、 みなさんにお会いできるのもあと2日です☆

Bear Mountain News
4/23 2013

It's been a long time since I've been cheerful

For the first time in a long time, the spring cheerfulness ♪ The bears that are being released on the test are also basking in the sun. I take a nap on the snow, and I sleep comfortably like a futon zzz At this time of year, there are no leaves on the trees, so it's easy to find bears ☆ At Bear Point, we are busy preparing to receive bears. We look forward to ♪ seeing you this Saturday

Bear Mountain News
4/20 2013

Bear Mountain in the Nikkei newspaper!

Did you see the Nikkei newspaper this morning? What's more, Bear Mountain is introduced! Since it is a theme park focused on one animal, the article on Bear Mountain is second only to [Ichihara Elephant Country]. I am grateful for that. For details, please see (^_-)-☆ the Japan Economic Newspaper

Bear Mountain News
4/8 2013

The arrival of spring on the side of the road to the animal house

Stormy Sahoro again today. Moreover, it was snowing, and we returned to the winter scenery. Still, little by little, spring seems to be approaching. On the side of the road to the barn, a butterbur was showing its face. Come on, come quickly.

Bear Mountain News