Bear Mountain News

"Bear Mountain News" by the breeding staff.
If you have visited the venue even once, you may be wondering, "What's wrong with that brown bear?"
Therefore, we will deliver the state of brown bears living well even for those who can not come easily.
Please come and check out the brown bears even after you come to the venue!
And if you are new to Bear Mountain, you will definitely enjoy it when you come! is

5/29 2017

From May to early July, the bear

5月~7月上旬くらいまで、クマに とっては恋の季節(発情期)です。 ですがっ❗ ベア・マウンテンでは、オスのみの 飼育ですが、相性の良い同士ですと、 写真のようにイチャイチャ❤しています。 因みに、左がモコ🎵右がアタロウ🎵 こんな微笑ましい姿が見られるのは、 今時期だけ❗ 飼育 ジープの鬼より

Bear Mountain News
5/28 2017

A bear napping with a tree as a pillow,

木を枕にして、お昼寝してるクマは、 コウタと言います🎵 こんな姿を見ると、とても癒されますよ~⤴ 12時以降にベアウォッチングバスに乗車 されますと、園内のあちらこちらにこんな 可愛いらしい姿が観られるかも…。 飼育 ジープの鬼より

Bear Mountain News
5/28 2017

Bear watching bus

ベアウォッチングバス かっこいいですね~ お越しいただいたお客様はこちらに乗車していただき、15ヘクタール(東京ドーム約3個分)の森の中を歩き回るヒグマたちをご覧いただけます! バスドライバーさんのガイドを聞きながらヒグマたちを探してみてください! ※一般車両の入場はできません。 バスコース以外にも高さ5m、全長370mの遊歩道からヒグマを観察するコースもございます!

Bear Mountain News
5/27 2017

Mitt loves to play in the water!

Mitt loves to play in the water! A genius who turns anything into a plaything!                Because you're young~ Posted by Breeding Jeep Demon

Bear Mountain News
5/27 2017

Always cute Hirotake (17 years old) Sometimes I become a busyke! One that fans will love! !!

Always cute Hirotake (17 years old) Sometimes I become a busyke! One that fans will love! !!                      Posted by Breeding and Brook

Bear Mountain News
5/27 2017

Is it hiding?

Is it hiding? You can see it in full view. Mr. Mitt.

Bear Mountain News
5/24 2017

Last weekend, the summer days continued.

Last weekend, the summer days continued. On hot days, bears also get battered. This is Moko (15 years old). Perhaps Japan one bigger?) It's an Ezo brown bear! When I weighed myself last fall, I was 491kg!

Bear Mountain News
5/24 2017

Good morning!

Good morning! The long-awaited Bear Mountain Facebook page is complete! From now on, we will send you information on the daily life and events of brown bears on Bear Mountain, so please take a look!

Bear Mountain News
4/27 2017

Bear Mountain Summer Business starts from 4/29!

There are still cold days ahead, but how are you doing? Well, everyone, please wait for the sales of Bear Mountain!! At last!! It starts on Saturday, April 29!!! All the staff (and bear staff) are sincerely looking forward to your visit!!

Bear Mountain News
10/23 2016

Sunday, October 23, the last day!

Good morning(*^_^*) It's Sahoro Bear Mountain with flickering snow! This season's business is finally the last...! Bears go into winter baskets, so if you miss today, you won't be able to see them until spring(/_;) It is the best last that you can enjoy at once with autumn leaves, snow, and bears, so please come and play with warm appearances (●^o^●) It is a rare black bear alover♡

Bear Mountain News / the latest news